some pp think that one's thoughts are composed of words, but we have all had the experience of utterin or writing somethin and realisin that wasn't exactly wat we meant to say. to have tat feelin in the first place, there must be a 'what we meant to say' opposed to what we said. if thought are composed of words, how can a new word ever be coined? how could a child learn a word? hm.. some interestin thoughts from steven pinker's 'the language instinct'.. really hating myself for not exposin myself to philosophical stuffs earlier.. haha.. + |-jX-| updated @ 4/22/2005 10:21:00 PM | past comments | | | permalink| add as fav [to view previous days' photo, select the next link under pReVioUsLy to the right. or you can view my aRcHiVe.]
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