yeah.. juz got home from singing at kbox wif shengie,xm,zaizhong,hf,sc... hah, was great fun and hf chose to sing at amk kbox! haha.. and i live so near amk central! hf and zaizhong really have a great voice, and sc have such a good technique! all of dem so zAi! hm.. realised tat singing at a karaoke is fun onli if the company is right.. and although u dun really have a good voice, or even if u dun really noe the songs well, u can still enjoy the time spent.. of cos, if u have a decent voice, u would enjoy the time more cos u would feel a sense of achievement in finishin the song wif the knowledge tat the rest r all mesmerised by ur voice.. yupz, it is true tat u can know ur friends better without necessarily talkin to dem.. from their daily actions and wat dey do and how they respond, u can draw rather accurate deductions of their character.. but den it is undeniable tat communication does play a huge part.. pp's actions can sometimes be a facade.. hm, anyways it is always better to improve ur oral skills eh? but it does come from practice, and since i grew up in a chinese environment, it does seem much harder for me to grasp a good command in english.. i am doin fine in the written form, but when spoken, sometimes my mind juz goes blank as my mind frantically searches for the right things to say... rather frustratin at times.. hm, anyways, one shdn't live life so seriously.. camaraderie is the goodwill and lighthearted rapport between friends, so it shdn't always end up in serious discussions over issues which we would maybe never have a chance to interfere wif or change.. + |-jX-| updated @ 4/13/2005 01:05:00 AM | past comments | | | permalink| add as fav [to view previous days' photo, select the next link under pReVioUsLy to the right. or you can view my aRcHiVe.]
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