i swore not to drink coffee in the night again. dunno wat got into me, i ordered 'the ultimate' at coffee bean at 10pm when i noe i cannot tahan caffine.. now the caffine coursing through my blood is forcing me awake. i hate the tired-but-cannot-sleep feelin, but i guess i better get use to it soon.. i might need to be like tat during my course of study... well, guess i could use this reason to continue watchin naruto!! yeah!! ;p hm, this mimosa flower was taken last week, the background is a bit weak but well.. ha.. + |-jX-| updated @ 8/21/2005 12:47:00 AM | past comments | | | permalink| add as fav [to view previous days' photo, select the next link under pReVioUsLy to the right. or you can view my aRcHiVe.]
Check out my portfolio. For photography services or assignments, contact me at saiofsaisxiong@hotmail.com pReVioUsLy
buggy fun ray of hope mrt bday! take off smiling eyes inquisitive friendships bamboo LiNks