Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect Samuel Johnson (1709-84), English author, lexicographer caught this curious look on the gecko's face when i approached it slowly until my lens was like 4 cm away from it's face.. for a gecko, it muz be one of the most daring one.. i mananged to snap 2 shots b4 it suddenly realised how vulnerable it is and scrambled away.. curiousity fuels the desire to learn more abt others and makes us invent and re-invent.. never stop inquiring.. p.s. please view the larger format by clickin on the pic itself.. + |-jX-| updated @ 7/24/2005 05:00:00 PM | past comments | | | permalink| add as fav [to view previous days' photo, select the next link under pReVioUsLy to the right. or you can view my aRcHiVe.]
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