yeah, today guobin was kind enough to lend me his book on drawin, and introduced me into the world of art.. i am beginning to feel myself inclining more towards the artistic world, being more able to appreciate art works.. (somethin i thought i would never achieve) above is a practice tat the author of the book set for me to do, to try to draw my own hand.. hm, a bit messy but i felt it was ok, since it is the first time i tried drawin wif charcoal.. today i kind of decided the direction i shd be more or less concentratin on for photography.. i feel that portraits of man, creatures moves me the most, especially those brimming wif emotions and feelings.. hence, i decided to get myself a zoom lens! yeah... a 2nd hand one of cos.. hopefully next time i shall have more guts to ask others to allow me to shoot dem (pun unintended).. hahah.. ;p + |-jX-| updated @ 6/26/2005 02:41:00 AM | past comments | | | permalink| add as fav [to view previous days' photo, select the next link under pReVioUsLy to the right. or you can view my aRcHiVe.]
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rows of spikes!
lonely night justice? innocence despair PHOTOi hope loneliness leech LiNks