The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking. Brooks Atkinson (1894-1984), U.S. critic, essayist a shot of the light streamin through the crack under the sheares bridge in Singapore.. rotated 180 degress and cropped.. how u view things might not be a reflection of others' view.. for eg, when in a crowded bus, i do wish tat pp can be more considerate and move towards the back of the bus to allow more pp to squeeze in. . but when i think back, all of us have a reason for doin somethin.. these pp might have to alight the next stop and thus believe tat if they move in, they will have a hard time squeezin out.. there is never one answer to any question, find the one tat suits u the best.. + |-jX-| updated @ 7/02/2005 01:14:00 AM | past comments | | | permalink| add as fav [to view previous days' photo, select the next link under pReVioUsLy to the right. or you can view my aRcHiVe.]
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light falls..
my hands rows of spikes! lonely night justice? innocence despair PHOTOi hope loneliness LiNks